Trainings in Bangalore, Corporate Trainers, Placement Agency, PHP Framework, Zend Frameworks

Load Runner Training in Bangalore

Session 01:

Basics of Load Testing
Load runner installation, license types and configuring license
Define Performance, Load, Stress and Volume Testing
Define Vuser, Vuser script, Load generator, Scenario, Rendezvous Point, Controller, Agent
process and Transaction time
Pictorical representation of Load Testing using Load runner and Manual
Load runner Resources
Session 02: The Loadrunner Testing Process

Planning the Test
Creating Vuser scripts
Creating the Scenario
Running the Scenario
Monitoring the Scenario
Analyzing Test Results
Session 03: Virtual User Generator (VuGen)

Single Protocol Script
Recording with VuGen
Setting Recording Option, Saving script as template, creating zip files
Configuring Run-Time Settings, Transaction time and Rendezvous point
Session 04:Verification Points

Objective of verification points
Text and Image check point
Using the Save Count attribute
Programmatically enhance the check points
Session 05: Parameterization

Necessity for parameterization
Parameter types file type, iteration, group name etc
Data driver wizard
Parameter functions
Session 06:Correlation

To capture Dynamic value into parameter
Manual correlation
Auto correlation
Correlation before recording
Wdiff utility
Session 06:Working With Actions

Creating Multiple Actions
Creating Action block and Setting Action Weightage
Session 07: Controller Configuration

Configure and Execute Manual Scenario and using percentage mode
Configure and Goal Oriented Scenario
Configuring and Running the Scenario on a single Host system
Configuring and Running the Scenario on Multiple Hosts
Monitoring the Scenario
Generating graphs and reports
Session 08:Analysis

High Level Summary Report
Setting graph granularity, adding/deleting graphs
Transaction analysis, SLA analysis and Web Page Diagnostics
Cross- result, merge graphs, correlate graphs and overlay graphs
Generating word and html report
Creating custom report

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