Advanced SQL with Oracle Training

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Introduction to Advanced SQL with Oracle Training

Advanced SQL with Oracle Training Overview

This Oracle SQL training class helps students master SQL using an Oracle database and prepares students for a PL/SQL course. Note that this course is an Oracle SQL course, not a PL/SQL course.

Advanced SQL with Oracle Training Class Goals

  • Learn to create Users and Schemas.
  • Learn to use pseudo-columns and functions.
  • Learn to write simple and correlated subqueries.
  • Learn to write simple and complex joins.
  • Learn to use ROLLUP and CUBE.
  • Learn to use SET operators.
  • Learn to use character and non-character SQL functions.
  • Learn to write INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
  • Learn to create tables.
  • Learn to use keys and constraints to protect data integrity.
  • Learn to use views, indexes, sequences, and synonyms.

Advanced SQL With Oracle Courseware

  1. Users and Schemas
    1. Introduction to Users and Schemas
    2. Definitions and Client Tools
    3. SQL Developer Login
    4. About the HR Schema
    5. Sample Schemas
    6. HR Schema Entities
    7. Creating An Application Schema
    8. Exercise: Create a User
  2. Pseudo Columns & Functions
    1. Using The Dual Table
    2. Functions
    3. Exercise: Use the SYSCONTEXT function
    4. Pseudo-Columns
    5. Using Rowid
    6. Using Rownum
    7. Exercise: Use ROWNUM
  3. Using Subqueries
    1. Simple Subqueries
    2. Definition
    3. Nested Subquery
    4. Inline Views
    5. Subquery in the HAVING clause
    6. Correlated Subqueries
    7. Scalar Subquery
    8. Exercise: Subqueries
  4. Joining Tables
    1. Review of Joins
    2. Equijoins
    3. Inner Joins
    4. Outer Joins
    5. Cross Joins
    6. Reflexive Join
    7. Non-Key Join
    8. Natural Joins
    9. Semijoins and Antijoins
    10. Using Named Subqueries
    11. Exercise: Join Exercises
  5. Enhancing Groups With Rollup & Cube
    1. About Group Processing
    3. Simple GROUP BY
    4. ROLLUP Function
    5. GROUPING Function
    6. Using Cube
    7. Exercise: Practice GROUP BY, ROLLUP and CUBE
  6. Using Set Operators
    1. Set Operators Defined
    2. Relationship to Mathematical Set Theory
    3. Restrictions on Set Operators
    4. Exercise: Set Operators Exercise
  7. Conditional Processing
    1. The DECODE Function
    2. The Case Expression
    3. Exercise: Conditional Processing
  8. SQL Functions (Character)
    1. What Are SQL Functions?
    2. Character Functions
    3. CONCAT
    4. LENGTH
    5. INSTR
    6. REPLACE
    7. UPPER
    8. LOWER
    10. LPAD
    11. RPAD
    12. TRIM
    13. TO_CHAR
    14. SOUNDEX
    15. Regular Expressions
    16. Exercise: Character Functions
  9. SQL Functions (Non-Character)
    1. Numeric Functions
    2. The TO_CHAR Function with numbers
    3. Date/Time Functions
    4. Date Format Functions
    5. Date Arithmetic Functions
    6. Null Value Functions
    7. Exercise: SQL Non-Character Functions
  10. SQL Data Manipulation Language
    1. The INSERT Statement
    2. INSERT Statement Categories
    3. The UPDATE Statement
    4. The DELETE Statement
    5. Transactions
    6. Complex Table References
    7. The MERGE statement
    8. Exercise: Data Manipulation Language (DDL)
  11. SQL Data Definition Language
    1. About SQL DDL
    2. Create Table Statement
    3. Populate the table
    4. Alter Table Statement
    5. Drop Table Statement
    7. Truncate Table Statement
    8. Exercise: Data Definiton Language (DDL)
  12. Data Integrity Using Constraints
    1. About Constraints
    2. Unique Key
    3. Primary Key
    4. Referential Integrity
    5. Check Constraint
    6. Defining Constraints On Existing Tables
    7. Enabling & Disabling Constraints
    8. Renaming & Dropping Constraints
    9. Validate New Transactions Only
    10. Deferred Enforcement
    11. Constraint Exceptions
    12. Constraints And Views
    13. Exercise: Create Constraints Exercise
  13. Database Objects: Overview
    1. Database Objects
    2. Exercise: All Object Types
  14. Database Objects: Views
    1. Creating Views
    2. Updating View Data
    3. INSERT and UPDATE Statements
    4. DELETE Statements
    5. Exercise: Creating a View
  15. Database Objects: Indexes
    1. Types of Indexes
    2. Index Characteristics
    3. Index Usage
    4. Exercise: Index Exercise
  16. Other Database Objects
    1. Sequences
    2. Synonyms
    3. Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers
    4. Exercise: Sequence and Synonym Exercise


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