CSS Training

Introduction to CSS Training

CSS Training Overview

This CSS training class teaches students to use Cascading Style Sheets to format HTML pages.

CSS Training Class Goals

  • Learn the benefits of CSS.
  • Learn to avoid using deprecated tags and attributes.
  • Learn CSS syntax.
  • Learn to use
    and tags appropriately.
  • Learn most of the common properties and their values.
  • Learn to create custom CSS cursors.
  • Learn to style links with CSS to create “CSS Buttons”.
  • Learn to work with borders, margin, and padding (the box model).
  • Learn to style tables with CSS.
  • CSS Courseware

    1. Crash Course in CSS
      1. Benefits of Cascading Style Sheets
      2. CSS Rules
      3. Selectors
      4. Precedence of Selectors
      5. The Cascade
      6. Creating an Embedded Style Sheet
      7. Creating an External Style Sheet
      8. Adding Inline Styles
      9. Media Types
      10. and
      11. Divs and Spans
      12. Units of Measurement
      13. The Inherit Value
      14. @import
      15. CSS Fonts
        1. Font – the old way
        2. Font-family
        3. Font-size
        4. Font Family and Font Size
        5. Font-style
        6. Font-variant
        7. Font-weight
        8. Font Style, Font Variant and Font Weight
      16. CSS Text
        1. Letter-spacing
        2. Word-spacing
        3. Line-height
        4. Text-align
        5. Text-decoration
        6. Text-indent
        7. Text-transform
        8. Vertical-align
        9. White-space
        10. Text Properties
      17. Colors and Backgrounds
        1. About Color Values
        2. Color
        3. Background-color
        4. Background-image
        5. Colors and Backgrounds
      18. Custom Cursors
        1. Cursor Styles
        2. Custom Cursors
        3. Using Custom Cursors
      19. CSS and Links
        1. Pseudo-classes
        2. CSS Button Links
        3. Modifying Links
      20. Borders, Margins and Padding
        1. Getting Started
        2. Borders
        3. Margin
        4. Padding
        5. Borders, Margin and Padding
      21. Styling Tables with CSS
        1. A Review of HTML Table Syntax
        2. Styling a table



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