Advanced JavaScript Training

Introduction to Advanced JavaScript Training

Advanced JavaScript Training Overview

In this Advanced JavaScript and Dynamic HTML training course, students learn to use JavaScript to manipulate CSS styles on the fly in response to user interaction.

Advanced JavaScript Training Class Goals

  • Learn to use regular expressions for advanced form validation
  • Learn to create dynamic forms with JavaScript
  • Learn to create dynamic web applications with JavaScript and Dynamic HTML
  • Learn to check for browser support on a feature by feature basis
  • Learn to create dynamic menus
  • Learn to create stunning visual effects with Dynamic HTML
  • Learn to position elements dynamically
  • Learn to modify content on the fly

Advanced JavaScript Courseware

  1. Regular Expressions
    1. Getting Started
      1. JavaScript’s Regular Expression Methods
      2. Flags
      3. String Methods
    2. Regular Expression Syntax
      1. Start and End ( ^ $ )
      2. Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
      3. Common Characters ( . \d \D \w \W \s \S )
      4. Grouping ( [] )
      5. Negation ( ^ )
      6. Subpatterns ( () )
      7. Alternatives ( | )
      8. Escape Character ( \ )
    3. Backreferences
    4. Form Validation with Regular Expressions
    5. Cleaning Up Form Entries
    6. Conclusion
  2. Dynamic Forms
    1. Jump Menus
      1. The options[] Array
      2. The selectedIndex Property
      3. Disabling Form Elements
    2. Interdependent Select Menus
      1. Making the Code Modular
    3. Creating a JavaScript Timer
    4. A Sample Quiz Tool
    5. Conclusion
  3. The User’s Environment
    1. Why Know the User’s Environment?
    2. Conclusion
  4. Dynamic HTML
    1. Introduction
    2. Accessing and Modifying Styles
    3. Hiding and Showing Elements
    4. The innerHTML Property
    5. Manipulating Tables
    6. Dynamically Changing Dimensions
      1. Creating a Timed Slider
    7. Positioning Elements Dynamically
      1. Creating a Different Timed Slider
      2. Changing the Z-Index
    8. Conclusion


One Comment  to  Advanced JavaScript Training

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